Razvijamo svoj koncept poglobljenega turizma, ki združuje energijo prostora, rastlin in glasbe. Izbiramo pot ponudbe mimo klasičnega turizma. Odprti smo za tkanje novih vezi, ki ponujajo možnost, da vsak na svoj edinstven način lahko postane tudi naš prijatelj. Naša vizija je, da se naši gosti pri nas počutijo kot doma in da jim že sam prostor ponudi možnost za obnovitev energije in dobro počutje. Izbrali smo slogan ' RESETIRAJ SE ' v objemu gozdov in Rožnega vrta.
ROŽNI VRT imenujemo naš prostor ob potoku, v vasi sredi gozdov in zdravilnih energij narave. Bivanje pri nas je navdušujoče tako za družine, kot uživanje v dvoje ali skupinske 'teambuildinge'. V ta namen smo preuredili petsto let staro Podliparsko hišo, Sobo v vrtu , in obnavljamo ' Velikanovo hišo '. Naše hiše povezujejo vrtovi, steze, energije gozda in potoka, naše živali, mucke SiSi, Jerry, Branko in mlade mucice ter naši trije psički, Boba, Maks in Lili. Tudi zvon in zven cerkvene ure.
Pri ureditvi avtentičnih kostelskih hiš upoštevamo načela trajnostne, sonaravne gradnje in ponovne uporabe. Spoštujemo tradicijo in v stare hiše vnašamo našo novo energijo.
Naše dejavnosti svetovanja in turizma združujemo s poslovanjem podjetja CASTELLUM d.o.o. Fara, Kostel, ki posluje že 30 let. Ime podjetja izhaja iz latinske besede 'castellum', kar pomeni trdnjava ali zatočišče. V času Rimljanov se je tako imenoval naš grad Kostel, po katerem je dobila ime pokrajina, ljudje in kostelski jezik. Srce in duša našega turizma sva Valentin in Ljuba Južnič (Marisa Duri). Valentinova vizija o turizmu v Kostelu se počasi uresničuje z Ljubino srčno energijo in vztrajno inovativnostjo.
Dipl. inž. agronomije, oblikovalka vrtov, avtorica knjige o govorici rož, Pod okriljem kapucinke, Rože hrana za dušo (2016), in 21x Korak v novo, Telepatski sprehodi (2020), geomantka, raziskovalka zavesti. Kot mlada podjetnica je imela v Kočevju prvo biološko- dinamično drevesnico v Sloveniji (1994 2014). Njeno delo temelji na odpiranju novih poti v zelenem turizmu, povezanem z ekološkim kmetijstvom in urejanjem prostora po principu sonaravne horitkulture. Misija je razvoj zavesti, kreiranje zdravilnih vrtov in izkušanje delovanja nove energije v vsakdanjem življenju, kot tudi v svetu. Njeno delovanje je povezano z njenim poslovnim življenjem, živi v naravi in dela z naravo. www.21xkorakvnovo.si
Ustanovitelj in dolgoletni župan občine Kostel (1998 -2014), aktiven pri razvoju celotne Kočevske regije in širše tudi mednarodno. Pristno sodelovanje s sosednjimi hrvaškimi kolegi župani je omogočilo pridobitev evropskih projektov in obrodilo veliko tudi drugih sadov. Prijateljsko in poslovno je organiziral pobratenja z občinami (Rab 1994, Punat 2010). Vedno pripravljen pomagat, dati kak nasvet ali sprejeti človeka v hišo in kakšno 'zapopevat'. Zase pravi, da naj ga raje vprašamo »kaj v Kostelu ni naredil«, ker bi drugače predolgo trajalo, da bi vse naštel. Je tudi soustanovitelj in zdaj že najstarejši član Prifarskih muzikantov. Prepoznamo ga po bisernici, najmanjšim inštrumentom med tamburicami in po njegovemu posebnem baritonskem glasu. https://prifarci.si/
In our surrounding you can experience: cycling, fly- fishing on river Kolpa, Kupica, Dobra, Mrežnica, Kočevsko jezero, rafting and summer swimming, hiking, enjoying nature, easy walking or survival in nature…
Druge koristne informacije Tourist tax is an additional payment you have to pay by host each person/day. The closest store with basic foodstuff is at Brod na Kupi (3 km). There is also a good restaurant, Hotel Mance for meals. Payment at the store or at the Hotel is in Croatian currency (Kuna) or by card. Fara is located next to the main road to Kočevje (25 km) and Rijeka (54 km). There is an international border crossing at Petrina/Brod na Kupi (3 km). With prearrangement we can pick up our guests in Kočevje or Delnice. There is a bus once a day to and from Kočevje. From Kočevje there is an hourly bus to and from Ljubljana.
4. februar 2020, 'WATER AND FOREST TREASURES FOR THE SOUL' Ljuba is an amazing host and an amazing person. Her energy is immense, her kindness sincere. She takes you to the most magical places and helps you to feel part of that magic. Although we had a rainy shower, we had a wonderful time and I'm definitely Visiting Ljuba's experiences again! Marta september 2019 What a jewel of a stay with the most accommodating host. Ljuba greeted us with warmth from her homemade apple liquor and her own lovely spirit. This place will always be a great memory with all of its country village charm and pastouric views. Thanks for the unforgettable visit. Elaine And Dan, Johnson City, Tennessee januar 2020 We had an amazing stay at the place. Ljuba received us with a lot of love and felt straightaway at home. We got really nice tips to explore the area, which is beautiful. The house itself is amazing and still has all the unique characteristics. We loved our stay and are looking forward to visit again some day. Joey, Leiden, Nizozemska julij 2019 There is something magical about Slovenia and Ljuba’s place feels like it incorporates all the elements that make it feel so special. We felt so welcomed and Ljuba has such great knowledge of the area, it was really inspiring to see the area through her eyes. The house is a real haven with everything we needed and the places to swim on the River Kolpa are more beautiful than anywhere we have ever been. We hope to return and spend longer there. Jodie julij 2019 Euch erwartet eine einzigartige Unterkunft mit authentischem Charme und Ausstattung - von den Holzdielen, über die Möbel bis zum Küchenequipment. Dieser Urlaub war wirklich etwas Besonderes. Wenn morgens der Hahn kräht und die Kirchenglocke läutet, man mit dem Kaffee auf dem Schoß unter Weinranken sitzt, die restliche Familie vielleicht noch tief und fest schläft ;) ... ist das ein wunderbarer Augenblick völliger Entspannung. Die Umgebung ist für Naturliebhaber ideal. Viele Pflanzen,… Claudia, Leißling, Nemčija junij 2019 Es war eine wundervolle Woche. Unsre beiden Jungs ( 2und 6Jahre) und auch wir haben uns ganz schnell zuhause gefühlt. Es ist wirklich sehr abgeschieden (25Minuten zu nächsten größeren Einkaufsmöglichkeit), aber voller wunderbarer wilder Natur. Wir waren auch auf der anderen Kolpaseite in Kroatien, einmal auch gemeinsam mit Ljuba, was eine zauberhafte Wanderung war. Wer Natur und Ursprünglichkeit gepaart mit Vintage mag ist hier genau richtig. Wichtig, gerade mit Kindern, an die Pässe/Ausweise denken, da man tatsächlich immer kontrolliert wird an der kroatischen Grenze. Ljuba ist wirklich eine ganz besonders gastfreundliche und warmherzig Gastgeberin. Wir wünschen ihr und ihrer Familie nur das Beste.! Sascha, Mainz, Nemčija oktober 2019 My friends and I had a wonderful stay in Ljuba's beautiful house. It was lovely to be able to cook in the kitchen, sit out on the balcony and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. The rooms were very spacious and we were nice and cosy in the evenings with the fire. Ljuba is exceptionally friendly and welcoming, even offering to take us along on a trip she had planned. Would recommend to anyone looking to explore this area. Jessica, Norwich, Združeno kraljestvo maj 2019 Ljuba's home is perfect for those interested in slowing down to smell the flowers. Perfect place to enjoy nature, the mountain air and a slower pace of life. Many activities nearby as well as sightseeing. We particularly enjoyed our visit to Grad Kostel. It's breathtaking. We received great recommendations from Ljuba on sites and routes not to miss. Our quick stay included a restful night sleep, some great coffee and fresh bread in the morning. We will never forget Ljuba greeting us with a toast… Jeanne, Omaha, Nebraska april 2019 We stayed for one night only at Ljuba and Valentine’s place. And still Ljuba managed to give us memories for life. We where welcomed in the most stunning surroundings and served a welcomed shot of homemade liquor and left with a bottle of homemade apple juice. The place looks like something out of a fairytale or out of a post card. Ljuba will assist you with anything you need, or leave you totally alone too enjoy the nature and the peace and quiet surrounding you if that is what you are looking for…. Vegar, Stavanger, Norveška junij 2019 We appriciate a lot spending time at this place.The owners are amazing !! We arrived late but Lubja was waiting us, thanks to her. The village is very traditional and authentic. The houses are completelly surrounded by gardens made by Lubja. The rooms are great, totally fonctional and clean. This is really peacefull. You can heard the river in front of the houses. Take your time to try this place. We advice for everyone to contact Lubja, it was a great meeting and a great experience. Gautier, Versailles, Francija november 2019 Great hospitality! The place is beautiful and we had a very nice and calm time. Would recommend! Gregor, Ljubljana, Slovenija oktober 2019 We only stayed for a night, but this place was brilliant. We couldn't have asked for more welcoming hosts and the loft had everything you could ask for. WiFi reception was a little patchy, but with such a beautiful setting, that was the last thing on our minds. Incredible value for money. I only wish we could have stayed longer! Bryony, York, Združeno kraljestvo
© Vasja Marinč, junij 2020